When can you call us?
You call the emergency GP office if:
- you urgently need help from a GP and;
- this is outside office hours or on a national holiday and;
- your situation cannot wait until the next consultation hour of your own GP
Hadoks takes care for the emergency GP care during night, weekend and holidays. This information is for patients of all general practitioners in The Hague, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Wassenaar.
What to do in case of an urgent matter
During the days on workdays
Call your own GP (dial 1 for emergency). Don’t have a GP yet? Contact your health insurance company instead.
Evening/night/weekend/national holidays
Call the emergency GP office (huisartsenspoedpost). You’ll get to talk to a well-trained and experienced triagist. Call 070 346 96 69.
Life threatening situation? Always call 112.